University of Florida Homepage

Francis (Jack) Putz

Professor Department of Biology Email: Phone: 352-392-1486 Website: Relevant Past Projects: Current Projects: Grant Experience: Fire in the Juniper Prairie Wilderness: Is it a viable tool for ecosystem management? Co-PI. NSF Doctoral Improvement Grant, 2007-2008. The nature of savannas that replace dry forests in Bolivia U.S. Forest Service International Programs Research Grant, 2000-2001. Tropical Forest Management and Conservation in Bolivia. U.S.

Anna Peterson

Professor Social Ethics, Environmental Ethics, Religion and Politics in Latin America Email: Phone: 352-273-2936 Website: Relevant Past Projects: Current Projects: Grant Experience: Humanities scholarship enhancement fund for being animal. 2011 College of liberal arts and sciences, preliminary study grant. 2009 Center for the humanities in the public sphere.

Christine Overdevest

Associate Professor Department of Sociology Email: Phone: 352-392-0265 ext.256 Website: Relevant Past Projects: Current Projects: Grant Experience: University of Florida Water Institute Program Initiation Fund (PIF).  Scenario-Based Analysis of Surface Water Withdrawals from the St. Johns River Basin. $50,000 (with Trevor Boyer).  2009. University of Florida, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Preliminary Studies Grant (PSG), Bucket Brigades and Citizen Science, $15,000 (with Brian Mayer), 2009.

Corene Matyas

Associate Professor, Graduate Coordinator, Certificate Coordinator Department of Geography Email: Phone: (352) 294-7508 Website: Relevant Past Projects: Current Projects: Radar analysis of tropical cyclones Rainfall patterns from U.S.-landfalling tropical cyclones Cyclones and resilience in Mozambique (with Dr. Silva – Univ.

Jonathan Martin

Professor Department of Geology Email: Phone: (352) 392-6219 Website: Relevant Past Projects: Physical and chemical hydrogeology of carbonate aquifers Sea level change and impact to coastal aquifers Weathering of Greenland and marine records of glacial retreat Current Projects: Grant Experience: Sustainability related courses:

Kristin Joos

Coordinator & Clinical Professor, Innovative Sustainability & Social Impact Initiative Director UF Young Entrepreneurs for Leadership & Sustainability Email: kristin.joos@WARRINGTON.UFL.EDU Phone: 352-294-7176 Website: Relevant Past Projects: Current Projects: Grant Experience: Sustainability related courses:  

Brian Child

Associate professor Department of Geography and the Center for African Studies Email: Phone: 352-392-0494 Website: Relevant Past Projects: Current Projects: Grant Experience: Sustainability related courses: GEO 6938-The Political Economy of Conservation in Africa GEO 3930-Management of Protected Areas in Africa and the Americas GEO 6938-Community Forest Management    

Mark Brenner

Professor, Director of LUECI Geology Email: Phone: 1 (352)-392-2231 Website: Relevant Past Projects: Current Projects: Paleoclimate and Paleoecology of the Lowland Neotropics Age Determination of Endangered Freshwater Mussels Holocene Environmental History of Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia Heavy Metal Deposition in Florida Lakes Grant Experience: Sustainability related courses: Limnology Paleolimnology Perspectives in Florida Lake Management Tropical Ecology of the Yucatán Peninsula

Michael Binford

Chair and Professor Department Chairman, Geography Email: Phone: (352) 294-7500 Website: Relevant Past Projects: Current Projects: Grant Experience: Sustainability related courses: GEO4300/5305 (sections 06CE/07G7) Environmental Biogeography GEO 4037/5134C Remote Sensing GEO 2200 Physical Geography GEO 4120 Aerial Photo Interpretation GEO 5159 G.I.S.

Jonathan Dain

Professional Skills Coordinator Tropical Conservation & Development Program, Center for Latin American Studies Email: Phone: 352-273-4713 Website: Relevant Past Projects: Current Projects: Grant Experience: Sustainability related courses: