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Sherry Ahrentzen

Sherry Ahrentzen

Shimberg Professor of Housing Studies

Construction Management / DCP


Phone: 352-273-1229

Relevant Past Projects:

Healthy eating, active living — in low-income Phoenix neighborhood

Current Projects:

Building performance for resident health, particularly of residential settings for older adults

Grant Experience:

Health Performance, Benefit-Cost and Cost Effectiveness of Green Retrofit Housing for Low-Income Seniors in Phoenix, Arizona. May 2010 – August 2013 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development $450,000

Therapeutic Gardens for Senior Living: Sustainable Landscape Design for Resident Health and Environment. June 2010-May 2011 APS Sustainable Design Research Grant $10,000

Maryvale on the Move. December 2009 Robert Woods Johnson Foundation, Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities Program $360,000 total for four years (St. Luke’s Health Initiative is lead agency, with ASU Stardust Center as one of 6 strategic partners on the grant)