Department of Geology
Phone: (352) 284-5498
Relevant Past Projects:
Many on the karst aquifers, focusing on the springs of Florida and coastal aquifers
Current Projects:
Currently working in Indian River lagoon, Yucatan for coastal aquifers
Have projects pending for Bahamas
Working on Watersheds in Greenland
Grant Experience:
(48) St Johns River Water Management District, Springs Ecosystem Supergroup – Benthic sources and sinks of nutrients and trace element dynamics, $3.0M, $222,720 (Martin portion) 7/1/14 – 6/30/17.
(47) National Science Foundation, Collaborative Research: Patterned Landscapes and the Ecological Drill: Biotic Control on Hydrology and Surface Morphology in a Low-Relief Carbonate System, J. Martin co-PI, total budget $1.08M, Martin portion $179,442, 3 yrs. 5/1/14 – 4/30/17.
(46) National Science Foundation, Coastal SEES (Track 1): Planning for hydrologic and ecological impacts of sea level rise on sustainability of coastal water resources, 8/1/13-7/31/15, $441,136, 2 yrs.
(45) Water Institute, Graduate Fellows Program, Impacts of sea level rise on seawater intrusion into and fresh water discharge from surface end subterranean estuaries. J. Martin PI, co-PIs T. Boyer, A. Dutton, A. Ogram, B. Pine, A. Valle-Levison; Funds 6 graduate fellows for 6 years, approximately $900,000.
(44) St. Johns River Water Management District, Using Sr isotope ratios to estimate hydrologic connections across the middle confining unit of the Floridan Aquifer, $35k, March 1, 2013 – February 28, 2014 continuing.
(43) National Science Foundation, Weathering of western Greenland: Influences on oceanic fluxes of radiogenic isotopes, $484,439, J. Martin, PI, 1/1/13-12/31/15.
Projects Completed:
(42) Petroleum Research Fund, American Chemical Society, “Post-depositional dissolution of carbonate minerals: Origins of secondary porosity in modern carbonate platforms”, $100,000, J. Martin sole PI, 1/1/10 – 8/31/14.
(41) Three Rivers Trust, Inc., “Determining the Age of Ichetucknee Springs Water”, $30,000 J. Martin PI, 5/1/09 – 2/29/14.
(40) National Science Foundation, “Reversal of karst springs: Implications for water budgets, water quality, and speleogenesis”, Jon Martin, PI, Elizabeth Screaton, co-PI, $385,989, 8/01/09 – 9/30/13.
(39) National Geographic Society, “Weathering of Greenland: Inferences from radiogenic isotopes discharging from subglacial hydrologic systems”, $17,350, J. Martin PI, 3/1/12-3/1/14.
(42) Petroleum Research Fund, American Chemical Society, “Post-depositional dissolution of carbonate minerals: Origins of secondary porosity in modern carbonate platforms”, $100,000, J. Martin sole PI, 1/1/10 – 8/31/14.
(41) Three Rivers Trust, Inc., “Determining the Age of Ichetucknee Springs Water”, $30,000 J. Martin PI, 5/1/09 – 2/29/14.
(40) National Science Foundation, “Reversal of karst springs: Implications for water budgets, water quality, and speleogenesis”, Jon Martin, PI, Elizabeth Screaton, co-PI, $385,989, 8/01/09 – 9/30/13.
(39) National Geographic Society, “Weathering of Greenland: Inferences from radiogenic isotopes discharging from subglacial hydrologic systems”, $17,350, J. Martin PI, 3/1/12-3/1/14.
(38) National Science Foundation, “Collaborative Research: Controls on delivery and fate of water, nitrogen and calcium in a spring-fed karst river”, co-PI, total $406,100, 3/1/09 – 2/28/13.
(37) National Science Foundation, “High resolution sensor networks for quantifying and predicting surface-groundwater mixing and nutrient delivery in the Santa Fe River, Florida”, $456,782 (total award), $150,963 (Martin award) 8/1/09 – 7/31/12.
(36) UF-FEO – “An Introduction to glacial hydrology”, $49,512, J Martin PI. 1/11 – 12/11.
(35) National Science Foundation, Collaborative Research: “Testing the impact of seasonality on benthic foraminifers as paleoceanographic proxies.” 8/1/07-7/31/09, $150,000 Principle Investigator, UF (Collaboration with Indiana State University and Southern Illinois University, total grant $350,000)
(34) National Science Foundation, Acquisition of an X-ray Diffractometer for Mineralogical and Sedimentological Studies, NSF, Phil Neuhoff, PI, Jon Martin, John Jaeger, co-PI, $167,485
(33) St Johns River Water Management District, Desktop study of N fluxes in Indian River Lagoon, Florida, $20,000, May 2008 – December 2008, PI Jon Martin
(32) National Science Foundation, “Future Directions In Karst Research: A Workshop Proposal”, 6/1/06 – 5/31/07, $23,375, Principal Investigator.
(31) Florida Department of Environmental Protection, “Hydrogeology of O’leno State Park and Nitrate Loading From the River Rise, A First Magnitude Spring”, 7/1/06-6/30/07, $85,000, Sole Principal Investigator.
(30) National Science Foundation, “Design and demonstration of a distributed sensor array for predicting water flow and nitrate flux in the Santa Fe Basin”, 11/1/06-10/31/08 $360,000 co-Principal Investigator with Wendy Graham (PI), Joe Delfino, Clint Slatton (co-PI’s)
(29) National Science Foundation, “Collaborative research: interdisciplinary approach to understand stable isotopic disequilibrium in benthic foraminifera”, 2/1/07 – 1/31/09, $129,004, Principal Investigator, UF (Collaboration with Indiana State University and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, total grant $450,000).
(28) National Science Foundation, “Integrated Graduate Education, Research, and Training (IGERT) Program in Adaptive Management: Water, Watersheds, Wetlands”, 6/1/05-5/31/10, $3,200,000. co-Principal Investigator with Mark Brown (PI), Ramesh Reddy, Richard Hamann (co-PI’s)
(27) School of Natural Resources and the Environment, “Support for Preparation of the NSF Proposal: “Development of a Hydrologic Observatory in the Suwannee River Watershed” Principal Investigator, with Wendy Graham and Joe Delfino (co-PI’s), 1/1/05 – 6/30/05, $30,000.
(26) National Science Foundation, “Integrated physical and chemical observations of water-rock interactions and coupled matrix-conduit flow in the karstic Floridan aquifer”, 9/1/05-8/31/08, $321,000, Principal Investigator with Liz Screaton (co-PI).
(25) Florida Department of Environmental Protection, “Hydrogeology of O’leno State Park and Nitrate Loading From the River Rise, A First Magnitude Spring”, 11/30/04-6/30/06, $184,015, Sole Principal Investigator.
(24) National Science Foundation, “Collaborative Research: Are carbon fluxes from marine sediments enhanced by submarine ground water discharge?”, $779,523 total; $268,582 UF portion 8/1/04 – 7/31/07, $268,582, Lead Principal Investigator.
(23) National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, “Developmental Project: Oxygen and Sr Isotopic Stratigraphy and Ages of Sediment Involved in the Submarine Slide off of Unimak Island, Alaska”, 3/1/04-2/28/06, $10,360, Sole Principal Investigator.
(22) US Geological Survey, “Integrated studies of surface water-ground water exchange in Tampa Bay, Florida”, 4/1/02-6/30/06, $145,000, Sole Principal Investigator
(21) St. Johns River Water Management District, “Nutrient Fluxes to the Indian River Lagoon from advective benthic processes”, 4/1/03-9/30/04, $165,000, Sole Principal Investigator.
(20) Florida Department of Environmental Protection, “Hydrogeology of O’leno State Park and Nitrate Loading From the River Rise, A First Magnitude Spring”, 12/30/03-6/30/04, $55,000, Sole Principal Investigator.
(19) Florida Department of Environmental Protection, “Hydrogeology of O’leno State Park: Its Relationship to Ground Water Contamination and Nutrient Discharge from Three First magnitude Springs, $47,985, 6/1/02 – 5/31/03, Sole Principal Investigator.
(18) National Science Foundation, “Assessment of the importance of matrix flow in a conduit-dominated karst aquifer: Investigation of the unconfined Floridan Aquifer”, $174,669, 5/1/01-4/30/03, Principal Investigator with Liz Screaton (co-PI).
(17) CLAS Research Awards, “Development of a new technique for measurement of Ra isotopes and applications for convergent margin hydrogeology”, $17,000, 1/31/00 – 1/31/01, Sole Principal Investigator.
(16) National Science Foundation, “Development of an inexpensive, submersible, automatic water sampler”, $48,227, 1/1/00 – 12/31/02, Principal Investigator with Ray Thomas (co-PI).
(15) National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, “Deep-Sea Benthic Foraminifera Associated with Methane Seeps: Clues for Modern and Ancient Methane Release”, $45,786, 3/01/00-2/28/03, sole Principal Investigator.
(14) St. John’s River Water Management District, “Quantification of ground water discharge and resulting chemical loading to the Indian River Lagoon, Florida”, $201,520, 4/19/99 – 2/16/02, Sole Principal Investigator.
(13) National Science Foundation, “Surface and ground water mixing and reactions in a semi-confined karst aquifer: An example from the Floridan aquifer”, $47,782, 1/1/98 to 12/31/01, Sole Principal Investigator.
(12) Joint Oceanographic Institutions, US Science Support Program, “Workshop on the Hydrogeology of the Oceanic Lithosphere”, $15,338, 1/11/98 – 1/11/99, co-Principle Investigator with Keir Becker (PI).
(11) National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, “Modern Fluid Venting and its History: Monterey Bay, CA”, $76,610, 4/1/98-3/31/00, Sole Principal Investigator.
(9) National Science Foundation, “Climate Variability and Ecologic Change in Mesoamerica During the Late Holocene: Implications for Maya Cultural Evolution”, $304,000 7/1/97-6/30/00, co-Principle Investigator with Dave Hodell (PI) and Mark Brenner (co-PI).
(8) National Geographic Society, “The Role of Climate Change in the Collapse of Classic Maya Civilization”, $20,430, 6/1/97-5/30/97, co-Principle Investigator with Dave Hodell (PI) and Mark Brenner (co-PI).
(7) National Science Foundation, “Acquisition of a Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometer with Automated Preparation Systems”, $156,271, 3/97 to 3/99, co-Princple Investigator with Dave Hodell (co-PI).
(6) Office of Research, Technology, and Graduate Education (UF), “Request for graduate research assistant support”, $4739, 6/96 to 12/96, Sole Principal Investigator.
(5) Office of Research, Technology, and Graduate Education (UF), “Development of an automatic water sampler and its application to chemical hydrogeology of karst terrains” $24,993, 4/96 to 4/97, Sole Principal Investigator.
(4) Oak Ridge Associated Universities Junior Faculty Award, “Hydrology, mass fluxes, and their records at plate boundaries”, $10,000, 6/95 to 6/96, Sole Principal Investigator.
(3) American Chemical Society, Petroleum Research Fund, “Paleo-fluid compositions in the Monterey Formation: An integrated geochemical and fluid inclusion study”, $20,000, 5/95 to 8/97, sole Principal Investigator.
(2) Division of Sponsored Research, University of Florida, “Request for partial support toward the purchase of an ion chromatograph”, $9750, 2/95 to 1/96, Sole Principal Investigator.
(1) National Science Foundation, “Acquisition of a new TIMS for ocean and earth sciences at the University of Florida”, $361,720, co-Principle Investigator with Paul Mueller (PI), Dave Hodell, Ellen Martin, (co-PI).