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Michael Binford

Michael Binford

Chair and Professor

Geography/ Liberal Arts and Sciences


Phone: (352) 294-7500


Relevant Past Projects:

Human-Environment Interactions in the Bolivian Altiplano: Climate, Limnology and Tiwanaku Agroecosystems.

Land-Use and Land-Cover Change: Decadal-Scale Dynamics of Land Ownership, and Carbon Storage Patterns in the Southeastern Lower Coastal Plain Region of the U.S.

Economic Growth, Social Inequality, and Environmental Change in Thailand and Cambodia.

Parks as Agents of Social and Environmental Change in Eastern and South Africa.

Understanding and predicting the impact of climate variability and climate change on land use and land cover change via socio-economic institutions in Southern Africa.

Current Projects:

Hydrological Connectivity, Ecosystem Services and Socio-Economic Adaptations in the River-Floodplain System of the Lower Mekong Basin of Cambodia
Building forest management into Earth system modeling: Scaling from stand to continent.

Grant Experience:

Multiple collaborative and individual grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Sustainability related courses:

  • GEO4300/5305 (sections 06CE/07G7) Environmental Biogeography
  • GEO 4037/5134C Remote Sensing
  • GEO 2200 Physical Geography
  • GEO 4120 Aerial Photo Interpretation
  • GEO 5159 G.I.S. Applications in Environmental systems