University of Florida Homepage

David Kaplan

Assistant Professor Environmental Engineering Sciences/College of Engineering Email: Phone: (352) 392-8439 Website: Relevant Past Projects: Quantifying a novel ecosystem service of oyster reefs: estuarine freshwater entrainment (co-PI), Florida SeaGrant. Establishing a Natural Resources-Based “Adaptation Action Area” for the town of Yankeetown, FL (PI), Florida Department of Economic Opportunity. Predicting the effects of water use, […]

Sharon Abramowitz

Assistant Professor, Anthropology College of Liberal Arts and Science Email: Phone: 617- 599-0191 Website: Relevant Past Projects: Abramowitz, S. (2014). Searching for Normal in the Wake of the Liberian War. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press. Abramowitz, S. and Catherine Panter-Brick, Eds. (2015) Medical Humanitarianism: Ethnographies of Practice. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press. Abramowitz, […]

Alyson Flournoy

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Alumni Research Scholar Levin College of Law Email: Phone: 352.273.0610 Website: Relevant Past Projects: Current Projects: Grant Experience: Sustainability related courses: Advanced Environmental Law and Litigation (3 credits) – LAW 6930

Richard Rheingans

 Associate Professor Department of Environmental and Global Health Email: Phone: 352-294-5110 Website: Relevant Past Projects: 2006 A multi-year project to assess the effectiveness, sustainability and scalability of school-based water, sanitation and hygiene interventions in Kenya. Current Projects: Grant Experience: 2003 University Teaching Fund Award 2002 University Teaching Fund Award 1993-4 Organization for Tropical Studies, Pew Charitable Trust Dissertation Research Fellowship.

Andrew Zimmerman

Associate Professor Department of Geological Sciences Email: Phone: (352) 392-0070 Website: Relevant Past Projects: Current Projects: Biochar – Black Carbon Coastal Sedimentation – Naples Bay, FL Organic Matter-Mineral-Microbes in Karst Aquifers and ASR Natural Nanopores Bioarcheology – Bone Lipid Refractory Organic Matter – Ganges-Brahmaputra Oil Spill – Bioremeditation and Monitoring in Coastal Marshes Grant Experience: Sustainability related courses: GLY 2038: Sustainability and the Changing Earth  

Bron Taylor

Professor Religion & Nature, Environmental & Social Ethics, Environmental Movements & Politics Email: Phone: 352-273-2942 Website: Relevant Past Projects: Current Projects: Grant Experience: Sustainability related courses: REL 3103- Religion and nature in North America Environmental Ethics

Katie Sieving

Professor, Graduate Coordinator Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Email: Phone: 352-846-0569 Website: Relevant Past Projects: Current Projects: Embarking on a 4 year NSF-funded project looking at vocal complexity in family Paridae, and the landscape of highly useful social information they produce.

Whitney Sanford

Associate Professor Religion and Nature, Hinduism, North Indian Devotional Traditions Email: Phone: 352-392-1625 Website:  Relevant Past Projects: Current Projects: Grant Experience: Sustainability related courses: