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Fritjof Capra, Steering Business Toward Sustainability (United Nations University Press, 1995).

MIT Sloan Management Review (2009) – The Business of Sustainabilty

Thomas Dyllick and Kai Hockerts, “Beyond the Business Case for Corporate Sustainability,” Business Strategy and the Environment 11, no. 2 (2002): 130–141.

Reid, A., P. Petocz, et al. (2009). “Business Students’ Conceptions of Sustainability.” Sustainability 1: 662-673.

Eagan, P., T. Cook, et al. (2002). “Teaching the importance of culture and interdisciplinary education for sustainable development.” International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 3: 48-66.

John Elkington, “Partnerships from Cannibals with Forks: The Triple Bottom Line of 21st-century Business,” Environmental Quality Management 8, no. 1 (1998): 37–51.
Garland, N., M. Hadfield, et al. (2009). “Investment in Sustainable Development: A UK Perspective on the Business and Academic Challenges.” Sustainability 1: 1144-1160

Food & Agriculture

Clugston, R. and W. Calder (2007). “Food and Higher Education for Sustainable Development.” Journal of Education for Sustainable Development 1: 209-218.

Feenstra, G. W. (1993). “Local Food Systems and Sustainable Communities.” American Journal of Alternative Agriculture.
How local food initiatives can contribute to sustainability

Walls, B., S. Gradell, et al. (1999). “Growing food , growing community : Community Supported Agriculture in rural Iowa.” Community Development Journal 34.
How CSAs have developed as a successful application for sustainable food systems

Cooper, A. (2004). “Biting the Hand: An Interview with Vendana Shiva.” The Sun.


Gulwadi, G. B. (2009). “Using reflective journals in a sustainable design studio.” International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 10: 43-53.

Fleming, R. (2002). “Survivor Studio @ Philadelphia University: Promoting sustainability in the design studio through collaborative game playing.” International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 3: 146-154.

Fletcher, K. and E. Dewberry (2002). “Demi: a case study in design for sustainability.” International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 3: 38-47.

Programs in the Professional Fields

*The UF CAIRES Teaching handbook is a work in progress, and a collective resource. If you have suggestions for materials to add, delete, or link please email us.