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Selby, D. (2006). “The catalyst that is sustainability : bringing permeability to Higher Education.” Planet: 57-59.

Sterling, S. (2010). “Living in the Earth: Towards an Education for Our Tim.” Journal of Education for Sustainable Development 4: 213-218.

Cato, M. S. and J. Myers (2010). “Education as Re-Embedding: Stroud Communiversity, Walking the Land and the Enduring Spell of the Sensuous.” Sustainability 3: 51-68.

Luke, T. W. (2001). “Education , Environment and Sustainability : what are the issues, where to intervene , what must be done ?” Educational Philosophy and Theory 33.

Scott, W. (2009). “Judging the Effectiveness of a Sustainable School: A Brief Exploration of Issues.” Journal of Education for Sustainable Development 3: 33-39.

Scott, W. a. H. and S. R. Gough (2010). “Sustainability, Learning and Capability: Exploring Questions of Balance.” Sustainability 2: 3735-3746.

Hegarty, K. (2008). “Shaping the self to sustain the other: mapping impacts of academic identity in education for sustainability.” Environmental Education Research 14: 681-692.

Cotton, D., I. Bailey, et al. (2009). “Revolutions and second-best solutions: education for sustainable development in higher education.” Studies in Higher Education 34: 719-733.

Gadotti, M. (2010). “Reorienting Education Practices towards Sustainability.” Journal of Education for Sustainable Development 4: 203-211.
(2008). “Education for Sustainability: A Critical Contribution to the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.” Green Theory & Praxis: The Journal of Ecopedagogy 4: p. 15-p. 64.

Jardine, D. W. (1996). ““ Under the Tough Old Stars ”: Meditations on Pedagogical Hyperactivity and the Mood of Environmental Education.” Canadian Journal of Environmental Education: 47-55.

Wapner, P. (2008). “The Importance of Critical Environmental Studies in the New Environmentalism Global Environmental Politics 8: 6-13.

Bonnett, M. (2003). Journal of Philosophy of Education 37:4.

McLaren, P. L. (1987). “The Anthropological Roots of Pedagogy: The Teacher as Liminal Servant.” Anthropology and Humanism Quarterly 12: 75-85.

Ellsworth, E. (1989). “Why Doesn’t This Feel Empowering ? Working Through the Repressive Myths of Critical Pedagogy.” Harvard Educational Review 59: 297-325.

Gore, J. (1997). “On the Use of Empirical Research for the Development of a Theory of Pedagogy.” Cambridge Journal of Education 27: 211-221.

Deans, T. (1999). “Service-Learning in Two Keys: Paulo Friere’s Critical Pedagogy in Relation to John Dewey’s Pragmatism.” Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning: 15-29.

Thaman, K. H. (2010). “Teacher capacities for working towards peace and sustainable development.” International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 11: 353-364.

Blewitt, J. (2010). “Deschooling Society? A Lifelong Learning Network for Sustainable Communities, Urban Regeneration and Environmental Technologies.” Sustainability 2: 3465-3478.

Stauffacher, M., A. I. Walter, et al. (2006). “Learning to research environmental problems from a functional socio-cultural constructivism perspective: The transdisciplinary case study approach.” International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 7: 252-275.

*The UF CAIRES Teaching handbook is a work in progress, and a collective resource. If you have suggestions for materials to add, delete, or link please email us.