Jickling, B. Sustainable Development, Education, and Democracy: A Cautionary Tale. Proceedings of the Yale conference on Environmental Governance and Democracy: Institutions, public participation and environmental sustainability: Bridging research and capacity development. – Yale University, New Haven, USA : 2008.
Morse, S. (2008). “Post-Sustainable Development.” Sustainable Development 352: 341-352.
Luke, T. W. (2005). “Neither sustainable nor development: reconsidering sustainability in development.” Sustainable Development 13: 228-238.
Webster, K. (2007). “Hidden Sources: Understanding Natural Systems is the Key to an Evolving and Aspirational ESD.” Journal of Education for Sustainable Development 1: 37-43.
Yanarella, E. J., R. S. Levine, et al. (2009). “Research and Solutions: “Green” vs. Sustainability: From Semantics to Enlightenment.” Sustainability: The Journal of Record 2: 296-302.
Anderberg, E., B. Nordén, et al. (2009). “Global learning for sustainable development in higher education: recent trends and a critique.” International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 10: 368-378.
*The UF CAIRES Teaching handbook is a work in progress, and a collective resource. If you have suggestions for materials to add, delete, or link please email us.